Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's that time of year again

Winter is upon us. I have many pet peeves about winter. The biggest one is snow. So far we have gotten snow twice already this season and a lot of people are excited about it. I am not one of those people. I hate snow. Unless there is a significant amount that let's me stay inside and watch television all day, I say fuck you snow!!!

And with the snow, come the idiots. You know which ones I'm talking about. The lazy morons that cannot take that extra two minutes to clean off their cars. On Saturday, I saw a woman driving through my neighborhood with a small circle area cleaned off of her windshield and that was IT! Seriously lady. Do you have to be somewhere so badly that you couldn't take the extra two freaking minutes to clean the rest of your oversized SUV off. You are an asshat and you're going to kill someone. But it won't be you, no, no, no. It will be someone who has visibility and took the time to be safe and you will survive well, because asshats always survive.


Then there are the people who think that because they drive the overpriced, oversized, gas guzzling yuppie machines they don't have to be careful. Hey, I'm in a sedan over here, could you please honor the speed limit? Or at least aim for somewhat near it? Thanks, even though you won't do it. Jerk-off

And then there are the people who let the huge plank of ice on the roof for days so it gets nice and crunchy and crazy dangerous. Then pieces of the iceburg come flying off on the highway and you end up playing some kind of really twisted real life video game trying not to die. So, thank you for that also. Good times. I remember a few years ago a woman died...DIED, when ice from someone's roof went through her windshield.

So please keep in mind when you're whining about cleaning off your car...that it really doesn't take long....and LOOK you can even buy this for under $20 at amazon.com

Stay safe and clean off your DAMN CAR!