Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Unsupportive parenting

I'm a mom. I have a mom. I have 2 mother-in-laws (that's a whole different story), I'm friends with other moms, I had two grandmothers...you're seeing the pattern right? Well, never in my life have any of these women made me feel less than 110% supported at any given moment. Whether it is about my health, my life, my finances, my marriage(s), my daughter...WHATEVER, I have always felt lifted up, not torn down.

Someone just told me a story about a mother, who after seeing her grown son participate in something that he loves, turn to him and say..."Don't you think it's time to try something else?"

Who DOES that?!?!?!?!

Another example, same mother. Her son wants to try to manufacture and sell something that he is really good at making. (I'm not saying what as it would give this person away and I'm not trying to put someone's shit out on Front Street). After talking to her about it, she proceeds to email her son with links of all kinds of people that have already done it and say "Ooops, sorry, you're too late"!

As a mother, and frankly a person, I cannot fathom ever doing this to my kid. When Adria came to me with a Barbie zip line idea...I said awesome, do it!

At what point do we stop tearing people down because of our own damn insecurities. What's the matter mommy, are you scared your son will be more successful than you are? Isn't that kind of the point of parenting...hope that they grow up to accomplish great things?

If you don't think that this is even a little part of parenting, then maybe you should trade your kid in for a plant or something. Definitely not a pet, you don't deserve a pet.


  1. How about when you have a premier of your FIRST pilot episode of a show that you wrote, directed, edited and a character you created goes up on the big screen. When you look out over the audience of 49 people who could make the time on a Friday night, not one of your family members are there. NOT ONE. Oh, did I mention, they all live within 10-15 minutes of theater? This is a GREAT post and it is important. Even to a 47 year old man, it's even more important for family to be there. In fact, could have been the only ones who showed up and it would have been magic! Wish you were MY mom...just keep that kid Thad away from me - he likes to touch my nether regions :)

    1. I will still be your mom if you'd like. But that Thad kid is out of my hands.

  2. This is so true. A lot of money could be saved on therapy if some mothers were more supportive and encouraging. Now where's that wire hanger...?

  3. This is one of the many reasons why I love you.
