Monday, April 1, 2013

Yes, I'm sure...Essure that is

I loved being pregnant. I loved it so much I offered perfect strangers the use of my womb. I offered several best friends the use of my womb...unfortunately, there were no takers. I REALLY wanted to help them out and then not have all of the messy stuff afterward. I had NO takers. I'm guessing it's because I smoke...and don't eat very well...and I have all kinds of crazy health issues. But that's just a thought. I'm sure that's not it.

I love my daughter. I would not trade her for the world. But after she was born and I was being wheeled out of the delivery room I looked at my mom and I said "I am NEVER doing that again."

And for a while after she was born I kept telling people that. And they would all cock their heads to the side like a dog and make that face at me. You know the face. The "Aw, you say that now but you'll change your mind" face.

I actually worked with a woman who would ask me every single day when I was having another baby. Come on, she would say, you know you want to give Adria a little brother or sister. And I would politely reply, I don't. And she would keep insisting that I would. That some day I would magically wake up and want another child.

Well guess what...I DON'T! Not only do I not want antoher kid as of April 10th I will no longer be able to have children and this news is EXCITING. No more worries about whether or not I took my pill, no more worries that I will develop a huge clot in my leg that will travel to my lung and kill me. You know, because quitting smoking is so much harder than not taking the pill.

So there you have it. Am I sure? UH, Adria is getting boobs...yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm DUNZO!

And further more, when someone says that don't want anymore kids or that they don't want kids at all....shut up. Just.shut.up. Because guess what, people are allowed to want one child, or no children, or *gasp* five children. It is up to them.

Please stop trying to make me feel bad about my choice.


  1. It's all about choice. Why do people feel the need to dictate our lives; i.e., have children we don't want just because they have them?

  2. I don't know Lori. I wish I did.

  3. You saved me trying to figure out if he or she were a step niece, half-cousin, or some other strange combination. Thanks, it's the little things. As for Adria's boobs, good luck with dat.

  4. I feel your frustration. Neil and I decided long before we ever got married that we weren't going to breed. He didn't want another kid and I wasn't sure I could get pregnant even if I wanted to, which I didn't. Not that it matters. Some members of our combined family were extremely supportive. Others were extremely UN-so. Let the narrow-minded haters hate. Live your life the way that's best for you and to hell with anyone who can't/won't support you in that. :)
